Hello Everyone! My name is Sophia. I like
to read a lot, so I naturally have a lot of books. A LOT of books. I have read
many amazing ones, and most of them I don't own. But these ones I do. So here
is a pic of them:
Yeah. There is The
Swift Boys and Me, Seeing Cinderella, I,Q (Book one: Independence Hall), Close
to famous, and Drama Diaries: unscripted. Another book that I like but don't
own is A Clueless Girl's Guide to Becoming a Genius. The title kind of throws
you off, it's not like a how-to book or anything, but, ya know. These are books
I really love and I think you would enjoy as well. And of course, the Bible
would have to be a must-reader also. So, have a nice day, and see you soon.
Woo-hoo! :)