BeYOUtiful: Why I Believe Everyone is Beautiful

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

     I know that this may not be everyone's point of view.  I know it may be hard to believe, and it may not make sense to you, but that's ok.  I have come to the realization and it is clear as day to me.  Everyone is beautiful.
      I don't think that is as obvious in some as it is in others, but that is because they are not making themselves that way.  Let me illustrate this-
     Has anyone seen Princess Diaries?;)  Can you believe this is the same girl?  This is what she looked like before, this is what she looked like after a makeover.  Wow!
     Maybe this makes more sense now.  If we bring out the good qualities that God has given us, we will be beautiful.  Don't emphasize the bad ones, because everyone has bad ones.  Part of that is taking care of yourself.
     Everyone gets acne, everyone gets pimples, those things can fade.  Don't worry about it.  There are things that you can do to prevent these things.
     Weight changes, not everyone is always a healthy weight, that can fade.  Don't worry about.  There are things you can do to prevent this.
     Hair gets frizzy and messy, everyone has bad hair days, that can fade.  Don't worry about it.  There are things you can do to prevent this.
     My point is that YOU have to determine what you look like.  You have the power to do something about the way you look, but let it be honoring to God.  Make your body a way to worship God, not yourself.
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;" 1 Corinthians 6:19
     Take care of yourself, find solutions to your beauty problems.  If it bugs you, don't sit back and complain do something about it.
     But seriously girls, you are all BeYOUtiful.  Just look at that picture.  The before picture does not make her beauty so obvious.  But look at the after picture, I would say that is a very pretty girl, wouldn't you?  I hope you see my point now, but it's ok if you don't.  It may be hard to grasp for some people.  But even if you don't agree, don't lose sight of the fact that this journey is about the beauty of YOU!
P.S.  I would recommend watching the Princess Diaries one and two.  They are so cute, and it makes you feel like a princess:)


  1. Good post Khloe! I have watched the Princess Diaries and love them! They're so funny! ;-) Also, we nominated you for the Sunshine Award because your blog is so beYOUtiful! ~Rebekah

  2. I've never read the books. I should I guess. I like the movies. Khloe, if you like Anne Hathaway, you should see Ella Enchanted. It's great! One of my favorite movies. I even own it. There is dancing, singing, romance (not yucky mind you), and it's a goofy spin on the classic fairytale. A must see!


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