What's my name? And My New Blog

Sunday, August 23, 2015

     Hello everyone!  Yes, I know that my last post was one celebrating my one year anniversary of blogging, and then I didn't blog for another year after that, but I'm back now.  As of right now, I'm switching over to another blog called Mercies Anew.  There were a few problems with the template of this blog regarding the words overlapping post titles and other issues.  It was just simpler to switch.
     At that blog, I'll be blogging under the name Elizabeth.  Yes, that is my actual name.  I felt bad writing under a pen name, and so now, I've switched that too.
      It would make me really happy if you would follow my new blog, but if not, I understand.  Thanks for following All Things Good, it was a good year.:)

BPD24- Finale!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

     Hey everyone!  I'm so glad to celebrate one year of blogging with you guys!  Thank you all for helping me out with my party!

Giveaway Winners

Winner of Owl Sleeping Mask-Alisha 
Winner of Wristlet- Alisha 
Winner of Lipgloss or Eyeshadow- Chloe
Winner of Quote Necklace- Elisabeth

Please email me at chocolatelover1099@gmail.com so that I can get you in touch with your giveaway sponsor.

BPD23- Things That Could Have Been

Monday, June 23, 2014

Hello. My name is Brittney and I am the author of the blog Daughter of the King .  I have a love for my savior, a passion for writing, and I'm a expert bookworm. I want to thank Khloe for giving me the opportunity to post on here! I'm so honored. 

                                                   Things that could have been

Life flies by. Moments are spent and gone. And you look back and wish you had them back. 

Sometimes I look at my past and look at opportunities I missed. This year my dad's taking a missions trip to Brazil and I really wanted to go but I was not able to earn the funds...it was a disappointment. I think of all the wonderful things that could have happened...We all have disappointments in life. We always miss out on some awesome thing we were looking forward too. Maybe you look at other people and wish that you could do what they did-have what they have. But my dear friends-We can not change the past and we can not predict the future.

"Do not ponder on things that could have been but live in today. Live now. Live for a better future"  

Don't live in the past. Don't constantly think about all the things you've missed out on in life. Just enjoy now. And strive to make a better tomorrow. Too many people live their lives living in the past that they don't see the opportunities that tomorrow might bring.
Be optimistic. Look for joy in life. Don't wish and dream. But do. Make those things you've always dreamed of reality.

We can't change our past but we can surely do something about our future.  

God's got a plan for each of us. But we must look to him and not our past. We got to keep our eyes focused on today. 

"There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live."

BPD22- Meet Elisabeth

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hi! My name is Elisabeth Sullivan and I am 14 years old. I love to crochet, read, write, blog, and sing (although it is debatable whether I’m good at the latter four).
I’ve never done a guest post before, so this may turn out funny or weird so be prepared. By the end, you will know from experience that I am random. :)
My life is pretty busy. It may not seem like it would be very busy, but it is. Even if I only had to make one hat a day for two months, do my daily school and chores, try to keep my bedroom relatively clean, help with 6 younger siblings, and try to keep up on my blogs, it’s still really busy.
I make hats to sell to raise money for an orphanage called the Master’s Home which is being built in Uyo, Nigeria by MCCF International (Phew! Long sentence alert). Recently I did this project called the 8 Week Challenge or the 8WC where I crocheted one hat a day for 56 days/8 weeks to raise money for the orphanage. All of the profit we made went to the orphanage, so to raise $1000, we would have to sell 100 hats. Sadly, we only made about half that. Still, that’s pretty good when you think about it.
Being the 2nd oldest of eight kids all under the age of 16 can make life busy sometimes. Life is pretty hectic around here; it’s kind of crazy.

But it’s worth it. Totally. :)

BPD21- Lauren's Favorite Bible Verses

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Hey guys!
As I was trying to decide what to write about for this guest post.  I decided that I would write about a few of my favorite Bible verses and tell you why they are some of my favorites. 
1.       Isaiah 41:10, so do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
There are a few reasons that this is one of my all-time favorite verses.  I think one of the main reasons I really like this verse is because it is my birth verse.  I really like this verse because it talks about us never fearing because God will always be there to strengthen and uphold us. It gives me comfort and peace knowing that God is always with me.
2.       Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
I don’t know exactly why this is one of my favorite verses, but I really love it.  I really think that this verse calls us all to be evangelists, and spread the good news of Christ with everyone.  This verse also tells us that God is always with us.
3.       Romans 5:8, But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
This verse is one of my favorites because it tells us how great God’s love is.  I know that there are many verses that tell us this, but I feel that this one states it very clearly. God shows us his love in many ways, but this is one way that He really clearly shows us.
I hope that you all are having a great day!
If you have any questions feel free to email me at lnt510@yahoo.com

 -Lauren, lntbutterflykisses.blogspot.com

BPD20- Hope Eternal Enterprises Giveaway

Friday, June 20, 2014

     Today I have a giveaway from Hope Eternal Enterprieses which sells crocheted items.

Hope Eternal Enterprises is a business that makes and sells crocheted hats; during the 8 Week Challenge (you can learn more about that by clicking HERE) all of the profit we make goes to the Master's Home, an orphanage being built in Uyo, Nigeria by MCCF International.
We have a full inventory of hats and accessories, including Bear Hats, Candy Corn Hats, Pumpkin Hats, Stuffed Miniatures, Puppy Hats, and much more! 

And the item being given away...
An owl sleeping mask!